On April 1st 2020 the Dow completed its worst first quarter in 124 years . You needn’t have been a fool to lose significant money (the Gabriel fund profited 11% the first quarter 2020). The market remains overvalued, and I anticipate the S&P 500 will revisit March’s low around 2200. The model is Bearish for April 2020. Calling a market bottom is very difficult, and the S&P 500 is up about 13% since March 22nd 2020. Source: Yahoo Finance This resurgence is in response to the federal reserve lowering interest rates to 0%, and a historically large economic stimulus plan. While both of these are bullish, consider market valuations. The last time market valuations were as high as recent ( Buffets Ratio reached 155% in February 2020) was prior to the Dot.com Crash (Buffets Ratio reached 150% in January 2000). Buffets Ratio dropped to 71% before the market hit bottom in 2002....